Saturday, July 24, 2010

personal loan

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// This is a sample app which deals with monetary values, money
// so all variables are of integer type ( a basic rule to avoid the unpredictable, fatal rounding of floats' fractional part )
//they are used in pairs to create a price - integer part ( int ) . fractional part ( int ) --->( edit ) WRONG! *
// * ---> It prints incorrectly the less than 10 cents. ( eg. 100 euros and 5 cents = 100.5 --> error )
// FIX: String pointZero = numC < 10 ? ".0" : "." ; ----> 100 euros and 5 cents --> numE + pointZero + numC

import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

* @author Lifer

public class TheClass extends MIDlet implements CommandListener

Form theForm = new Form ( "TheClass" ); // create a Form that contains Items
// for entering the fund information
// initialize the variable at its declaration because
// it has no dependencies from constructor parameters

// all input here
TextField priceE = new TextField( "Mixed Price\nEuros:", "", 7, TextField.NUMERIC ); // numeric, no need of mixed string type
TextField priceC = new TextField( "Cents:", "00", 2, TextField.NUMERIC );

TextField vat = new TextField( "Value Added Tax ( 0 - 100%): ", "", 3, TextField.NUMERIC );

// creation of 2 buttons. one for calculation and one for exit
static final Command calcCommand = new Command ("Calc", Command.OK, 1 );
static final Command exitCommand = new Command ("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1 );

Display display = Display.getDisplay( this ); // addition of a variable storing the Display instance for application

public TheClass () // constructor. it contains all the variables created above

theForm.append ( priceE );
theForm.append ( priceC );
theForm.append ( vat );

theForm.addCommand ( calcCommand );
theForm.addCommand ( exitCommand );
theForm.setCommandListener ( this );


// create method calc which does all the work
public void calc ()
Alert alert = new Alert ("Calc");

int price2E = Integer.parseInt( priceE.getString() ); // for example 100 euros
int price2C = Integer.parseInt( priceC.getString() ); // and 50 cents
int price = price2E * 100 + price2C; // stored in "price" as an integer: 10050

int vat2 = Integer.parseInt( vat.getString() ); // stores the tax, eg 21%

int tax_free = price * 100 / ( 100 + vat2 ); // instead of dividing with 21% ( 0.21 ) and messing
// messing with floats, I "divide" via multiply ( * 100 / 121 )

int tax_freeE = tax_free / 100; // integer part of tax free price ( euros )
int tax_freeC = tax_free % 100; // fractional part ( cents )

String tax_freeP = tax_freeC < 10 ? ".0" : "." ; // EDIT2: fix less-than-10-cents presentation error alert.setString ( "tax free price: " + tax_freeE + tax_freeP + tax_freeC + " Euros" ); // all output here // edit1: avoid alert.setString ( "tax free price: " + tax_freeE +"." + tax_freeC ); --> false result when tax_freeC < 10
alert.setTimeout ( Alert.FOREVER ); // the display alert screen stays forever,
display.setCurrent (alert); // and not for limited time unless I press button


// actions of our 2 buttons
public void commandAction (Command c, Displayable d)
if (c == exitCommand)
else if (c == calcCommand)
calc ();

// leave this part as it is
public void startApp()
display.setCurrent ( theForm ); // only remember to add correctly the name of the Form variable

public void pauseApp()

public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)


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